About Gernii

Personal image

Born on the 14th of March, 2001, in Vietnam , I was part of the first generation to grow up in the age of computers, mobile phones, and advanced technology.

After I got my first 8-bit game console, I began to love the design of games, how characters move, and how games work. From then, I developed a passion for technology.

I first encountered Pascal in 2018. It was the first time I realized that if I wanted to create something cool, I needed to learn how to code, and Pascal became the first language I learned.

Subsequently, I delved into learning C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more.

Now, I am a student majoring in Information Technology at Van Hien University and a Software Engineer at CoTAI.


Software Engineer - at CoTAI

September - 2019 ~ September - 2024

CoTAI is a startup studio specialized in Artificial Intelligence